A Guide On How To Survive Being Dumped You spend every second of the day thinking that they're gonna change their min d, they will phone you back any minute now and tell you they were wrong and reveal their undying love to you…any minute now…just wait, they will phone…Still waiting? Yep, it sounds like you’re suffering from that common disorder. It’s called the "just been dumped blues". The common symptoms are that you didn’t quite understand when the dope of a girlfriend or boyfriend said they didn’t want to see you any more, or that it wasn’t working out. You find that everything you look at is a constant reminder of your relationship. You have sudden bouts of tearfulness and a constant sick feeling in the bottom of your stomach. You are quite sure that you and them are meant to be, and it was a perfect relationship. And any minute now they are going to realise what they've done and come running back to you. Well best to get it into your head that they probably won’t. Sorry to be so blunt but you have to be hard at times like this. The sooner you realise this, the quicker you can get on with enjoying your life. Its great being single and hanging out with your mates. They were probably a complete dork anyway and it wouldn’t be a perfect relationship if you weren’t both happy. You might be kidding yourself that it was perfect but I bet there were plenty of times when you had thought "What the hell am I doing with them?" Just try and remember the amount of arguments you had and you’ll soon feel better off without them. However, despite what anyone says, nothing helps. You do have to get over it yourself and in your own time. To help you along though I have compiled a survival guide to being dumped. Believe me I’ve been through it enough times and these steps definitely do work! Read also about how to annoy your ex, and read a list of top films and songs that'll help you get over your ex. And have a giggle over all of the cheesy lines that dumpers try to feed you with when wanting to escape. You might find that you will need to nick them and feed them to your next boyfriend or girlfriend. And beware of the corny lines your friends or relatives might feed to you, to try and help you get over it. So sit back, relax and you’ll be trying to get over the next break-up before you know it! (Only kidding…not all people are that horrible. You do get the odd few that are pleasingly nice). If you want to tell us your dumping stories then get in the forums or e-mail editor@pupiline.net. Check Out Click to Read:
- Vick