Why is there always sympathy and chocolates all round for the person who's just been dropped by their one true love? Don't get me wrong being dumped is tough but spare a thought for the poor souls who actually have to face/call/text the person and say those deadly words "I don't think this is going to work out".
I had to go through this a couple of we
eks ago and it wasn't pretty there were tears, tantrums and long philosophical talks about 'why', and who really knows the answer to ' why'? Certainly not the dumper, there are so many reasons floating around in your aching brain that it's impossible to figure out ' why'.
So your stuck with a nagging, miserable heap that was your boyfriend, and then of course your ex's miserable phase passes and your hit with the anger "How could you do this to me?", "I thought you loved me?". Arghhhhh! Again there are no answers to these questions except... Sorry. What good is Sorry to a person who thinks your Satan himself.
This may seem harsh, it may seem hard but believe me friends the worst is yet to come. The anger dies away and your left with the final goodbye, the seal of completion to the long drawn out affair that is 'ending a relationship'.
'For me this was in my Garden at 1 p.m. on a sunny Monday afternoon, there were a lot of sympathetic words said by me (mainly consisting of how sorry I was) and a lot of sad and awkward silences. Beth Orton's Central Reservation was playing (I won't be listening to that album again) and the saddest song decided to come on as I said how much I'd miss him but we just wouldn't work out, before I knew it tears were silently rolling down his cheeks and he mumbled something vaguely sounding like "I'm just gonna go", and walked away.'
I haven't seen him since and I don't think I want to, but life goes on for both of us and even though I won't ever forget his face as he walked away, I did the right thing and hey I still have chocolate!
Click to Read:
Guide to Getting Over Being Dumped – Includes 2 part - 5 step guide on what to do, top ten's of music and films to listen and watch, corny break-up lines and annoying your ex.
by Emily H