Your Rights!! In an ideal world houses are made out of sweets, the environment is not being harmed by our actions and there is ever lasti ng world peace, (also having Josh Hartnett from Pearl Harbour, or J-Lo the sexy singer as your personal servant would be nice!. In this ideal world we would not have to create laws like the Children’s Act. Sadly this ideal world is far from the truth. Many children were suffering because they were not being treated fairly, It was, and still is, thought that children are always seen but never heard. Again this is so far from the truth. It has long been recognised that children are the future and if we want to help the future the best place to start is with our children! The Children’s Act is a list of rules set up to insure that each child is brought up the best way possible. If the social services feel that you are not being treated fairly or that your parents need help they will step in. Sometimes we must take a step back and think are we being treated fairly? You must remember that it is your right to be treated the best way possible and if you are not it is time to do something about it. Friends Friends... Ultimate Friendships Article Ultimate Friendships Article 2 Friendships...A Survival Guide Friendship Emergency! - What Can I do? Special Friends My Best Friend
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