Losing a Pet... We all have pets or have had pets but never thin k about what would happen and how you would feel if they died. Well I had two pets , one rabbit called Bubbles and the other a dog called Tilly. I felt very bad because both of them were young for their life span but now I am ok about it because everything has to come to an end sometime and it was their time. My rabbit died about 4 years ago. I got her for a birthday present. After I opened all of my other presents, I hadn't got what I wanted but my dad called me outside. From around the side of the house my dad brought in a rabbit hutch that he had made for her. At this point I was shown what was to be called Bubbles and I got her out of the box and sat on the floor with her in my arms. Then I went into the back garden to put her in her cage for the night, fed her, shut the door and went to bed. When she was about 3 years old, she was sent in for a routine operation. I was sitting at home after school, waiting for dad to come home with her. When he did he didn't have Bubbles with him. He got out of the car and I ran out saying "Where’s Bubbles?! Where’s Bubbles?!". He said to go inside and I knew when he said that, she was dead. He explained that when they were checking her, they opened her up and found thousands of little tumors inside of her. He said rabbits don’t show that they are weak because in the wild they can't, otherwise the foxes or other predators would pick them off. They had to put her down because she was in a lot of pain. I cried all night and I was feeling so bad. I hated going into school the next day because I felt like a wanted to cry out but I couldn’t because I was at school with all of my friends there. For a couple of months I felt so bad and I couldn't get my head right but after that I was ok about it. I had a dog and she would never die and she would keep me company. My dog was 7 years old when she died and she was a very special dog and would do so many things that made us smile. I had a hunch why she died but I am not going to say what it was. She was very ill for about two or three weeks beforehand and when she went in for a check up the vet found that she had a twisted stomach and needed to have an operation. The vet said the operation would be Ok and she wouldn't die. I felt like when bubbles was going in for her operation and was a bit weary. She went for the operation and the next night me; my mum and my brother were all in the house when the phone rang. My mum picked it up and when she put the phone down she called my brother and me down and said that Tilly had died. She explained that the operation went ok but she fell very ill and they had to put her down. Mum said not to tell dad because he was driving home from Cambridge and it would really upset him. I was upstairs when Dad came in I ran down stairs to hug him because he was very close to Tilly. The next day I had to go in to school and I really didn’t want to. I felt so sad, like when Bubbles died and I just wanted to go home. Tilly died this year in February and it is only now that I can come to terms with how I felt. I know that every living thing has to die and it was her and bubbles time to go. That was my experience with losing a pet and I hope all of you that have know that all things have to die sometime and it was their time to die.