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Coping with...Parents.

Arguments, screaming contests, and constant disagreements are all part of growing up they say. Teens and their parents are destined to clash, but sometimes it’s all just a little too much with everything else on your stress lists.

With a couple of years experience, or should I say ‘practice’, I’ve found arguing with my parents is a no-win situation.

Trying the disinterested look makes them to think ‘ARGH! Insolent little brat!’, the listening and agreeing technique arouses their suspicions, and putting your point across is disastrous because the freedom of speech rule DOES NOT APPLY!

Basically, all you can do is stay out of trouble, but that’s far easier said than done! If you know the rules, stick to them, as you can always change them when the Old’s aren’t around ;)

Here’s the Pupiline guide to peaceful parents...

  • To avoid a yelling match that will wake the neighbours, make sure you get home at a reasonable hour, unless you’ve warned them you’ll be late, and they’ve agreed.
  • Never leave your mobile on silent after coming out of the cinema - it only makes them worry and more determined to lecture you.
  • Introduce them to new boyfriends or girlfriends, it’s only fair they know who you’re with, whether they like them or not.
  • GIRLS!! Show your Dad what you’re wearing before the night you go clubbing, unless you would rather spend an hour of your valuable party time discussing the length of your skirt.
  • Don’t tell your parents they are sooo embarrassing, because the chances are, they will go out of their way to be even worse, just to annoy nice of them ;)
  • Don’t expect to borrow money without an investigation into what you are spending it on, why, and when it will be paid back.
  • Swearing at little brothers or sisters is lethal if your parents are strict on ‘decent language’.
  • Never forget the little jobs that your mum writes down for you to do. Consequences include a guilt trip, stopping pocket money, yelling, and I even suffered a couple of hours being completely ignored, which made me feel even worse.
  • Catching the bus to a party makes it so much easier to ask for a lift home.
  • Golden Rule - don’t walk away when you are being told off, you will only get dragged back and sat right back down again. This also has the effect of doubling lecture time...what fun!

So, there’s a couple of tips for parental bliss. Remember that they love you to bits whatever happens, and are only trying to look after you.


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Sarah :o)


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