Tripping Out... All About LSD... Part 3 Read on for more info about LSD and other hallucinogens. Problems of long-term use: You can’t die of an overdose on LSD, though taking loads will make you quite messed up. You can’t get physically addicted and you don’t get withdrawal symptoms but the pleasure experienced can lead to psychological addiction, where you feel you need the drug to enjoy yourself and even understand yourself, due to acid’s mind opening experiences. Tolerance to LSD happens quickly and you soon need more a nd more to get the same experiences and a stage can be reached w here it has no effect, although by stopping the amount you need drops again. You may also get flashbacks, where you may see parts of your trip for couple of minutes when you’re not on acid, this can happen months after you’ve take it and can be quite distressing. Whilst there is no evidence to show that acid causes brain damage, repeated use can cause mental problems especially if you have a history of mental illness. Heavy users with existing problems can get extreme psychosis and often referred to ‘acid heads’ and ‘acid casualties’, a nd they never quite get back to a normal state. Other Hallucinogens: – Comes from the Peyote Cactus and is very similar to LSD in its effects
Angel Dust/PCP – Is a white powder, which can be smoke, snorted, injected or swallowed and as well as making you euphoric and hallucinate it intoxicates you like alcohol. However its effects are far more extreme than acid and extremely dangerous. It can blur vision, distort speech, cause uncoordination, depression, extreme aggression, self-harm, coma and death.
Ketamine – Is a white, cream, lilac or blue tablet or powder, which is an anaesthetic painkiller and causes hallucinations by swallowing or snorting it. The trips and hallucinations, lasting 3 hours, are like LSD but far more intense, some say they have out of body experiences. Coming down from the trip is incredibly terrorising and too much can cause coma and death.
Magic Mushrooms- read article Where to get help: If you or anybody you know are having problems with LSD try the following places for help and support @ the Addictions Links Page. Go to : Read:
by ChrisM