Legal Drugs… Poppers, GBH and Steroids Two drugs, which have been closely linked to clubbing but as yet are still legal, are GBH and Amyl Nitrate better known as poppers. Whilst in Sport, Anabolic Steroids have increased in use to enhance performance. Here’s the low-down.: Amyl Nitrate - Also known as Poppers, Snappers, Liquid Gold, Ram, Rush, Dream Team, TNT, KIX, Rock Hard, English
- Is a clear or coloured liquid, which is highly flammable and volatile and has a potent smell
- Comes in green, brown or clear small bottles and most commonly sold in sex shops for about £5 a bottle (August 2001). Can also be bought from the chemists
Is taken by sniffing it out the bottle or pouring on a rag, cloth or cotton wool and inhaling it - Used medically to treat angina and as antidote to cyanide poisoning
- It relaxes the muscles in the blood vessels so blood pressure is lowered and blood gets around the body easier
- In the head it causes pressure, which produces a ‘high’
It also reduces inhibitions making you talkative and social, makes the skin tingle, increases the heart rate and makes you dizzy - Muscles are relaxed, which is why it is associated so often with sex, particularly the gay community. It also sometimes enhances sexual pleasure
- The effects happen immediately are very short, lasting about 5 minutes, and give way to pounding headaches, a flushed neck, weakness, nausea, cod sweats and even a rash on the race
Due to this and the awful smell many people never go back as it’s an unpleasant experience - Death can occur if you swallow it or take too much as high amounts in the blood can cause haemorrhaging and vascular collapse
- It is not physically or psychologically addictive and produces no withdrawal symptoms
GBH or GHB GHB is short for Gammahydroxybutyrate and is also known as GBH or liquid X - It comes in bottles and is a liquid without a smell, which has become an alternative to steroids but was originally used in surgery
- It’s measured out in capfuls, which is called a hit and drunk
- When taken it produces a rush and a state of euphoria, which can last a whole day. It is often taken to enhance sexual activity but this is not a proven fact
- Too much of it and you will get stiffness in the muscles, fits, feel sick, vomit and even collapse. Whilst mixing it with other drugs can lead to death
- It is now often produced in back street drug laboratories and if done incorrectly it will burn the mouth and throat
- It’s not illegal to have GBH but is illegal to sell or produce it
Anabolic Steroids There are many different kinds of steroids but anabolic ones, build up the cells and tissues in the blood - Doctors generally prescribe them to people with anaemia and those who have weak muscles, say after major surgery
- They contain the male hormone, testosterone
- They’re commonly called ‘roids’ and are usually injected but can be taken as tablets
Athletes, bodybuilders, weightlifters and people wanting to look good use them to increase muscles and definition. They also claim that it increases aggressiveness, which aids competiveness and makes the train harder - They also claim it they increase performance but this has not been proved
- They can have drastic consequences on the body. In men they can lead to breast, shrunk balls, impotence, reduced sperm, acne, liver and heart failure
and sterility. In women they can lead to miscarriages, stillbirth, deepening of the voice and facial hair - They’re physically addictive though users can get psychologically hooked if they think they need them to keep them in shape and keep their athletic ability
- It is not illegal to have steroids without a prescription though it is illegal to sell them to people without a prescription
Where to get help: If you or anybody you know are having problems with any of these drugs, try the following places for help and support @ the Addictions Links Page. Read:
by ChrisM