Tripping Out... All About LSD... Part 2 Read on for more info about LSD and other hallucinogens. How long it takes to work and how long the effects last: An LSD trip usually begins to kick in about 30-60 minutes after taking a tab, with the trip hitting top gear about 2-6 hours later and fading out after about 12 hours. How it affects you: As with any drug, effects depend on the user and their body, what they expect of the drug, how experienced they’re with it, where they are, the purity of the drug and how much is used and for how long. Nothing can be truer when taking hallucinogenic drugs like acid. The physical effects are slight, you get Goosebumps, enlarged pupils and hotter. However it’s what it does to you mentally that is the major thing and even if you use it often you can never tell what kind of trip you gonna have. Good Trip: When you take acid you may have what’s commonly called a ‘good trip’, your senses can get extremely stimulated, and you have feelings or elation of euphoria, elation and ecstasy and have enjoyable fantasies. As the hallucinogen name suggest you hallucinate, you see things, which aren’t there, like shapes, colours, stationary objects may move and your hearing and perceptions of time, space and size can become distorted. These aren’t real hallucinations, as you know they’re unreal but users say it all makes a pleasurable experience. As it can have so many varied effects all these and the following won’t and don’t happen to everyone. However here are some of the other thing that may happen during a good trip; mood varies, body image distorts, inhibition is removed, recent memory blurs, early life experiences are remembered, thought control is lost and users say they have had cosmic and mystical experiences like feelings of closeness to god, reincarnation, death and birth. Bad Trip: On the flip-side to this is the bad trip, no one knows why these occur when acid also produces good trips but it’s often when someone is not in a good move, is feeling uneasy, not relaxed and nervous. First time users may feel like this but bad trips happen to all users even if they’ve used it many times before. On a bad trip the hallucinations are frightening, confusing and incredibly scary. Even an initial good trip can slide into terror, panic, paranoia and chaos. What someone sees on the bad trip can terrify and as acid lasts for up to 12 hours the fear can seem everlasting and sometimes leads to aggression, self-harm and even suicide as a way to escape. The best thing to do if someone is on a bad trip is to reassure, as acid makes people readily open to suggestions and you can guide them through it. Always stay with people and keep them calm so they don’t try to harm themselves. However a single trip may end with you feeling anxious and panicky and could lead to a mental or psychotic episode. Where to get help: If you or anybody you know are having problems with LSD try the following places for help and support @ the Addictions Links Page. Go to : Read:
by ChrisM