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Puffing the Ganj... Guide to Cannabis... Part 1 

Weed, grass, gear, blow, herb, ganj, hash, spliffwhatever you or anybody calls it we all know what it is and we’ve all probably either done it ourselves, know someone who’s done it or seen someone doing it. That’s because nowadays we’re living in a culture where smoking weed is becoming as common as drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes.

However don’t get confused about what you’ve might learnt about it from your friends, in trendy mags, on TV or from misinformed adults. Instead read on to find the necessary facts about Cannabis.

What it’s from:

Cannabis is from a plant called Cannabis Sativa, which is bushy and can be found wild throughout the world, it can be easily grown in the UK. It’s illegal in this country and it is illegal to have it, sell it or grow it.

What it looks like:

It comes in three forms all from different parts of the plant;

  1. Marijuana/Grass/Skunk; this basically looks like oregano or mixed herbs used for cooking. It’s generally green, grey and brown in colour and is quite rough to touch. Sometimes it contains buds, seeds and twigs. It’s either dried chopped leaves or from the unfertilised flowers on the plant.

  2. Hash/Resin; this basically looks like a lump of soil or an Oxo cube, it’s brown to black in colour and feels hard. It comes from drying the whole plant, scarping off the resin and shaping it into blocks.

  3. Hash Oil; this is the least common but most potent form, which is distillation from the resin usually using a solvent. It’s thick and oily and yellow to black in colour.

Names it’s known by:

Marijuana, cannabis, hash, resin, skunk, weed, ganja, ganj, spliff, pot, joint, bush, draw, wacky baccy, doobies, Moroccan cigarettes, jazzy fags, shit, gear, blow, the herb, hashish, Mary-Jane.

How you take it:

Marijuana is smoked either by using a pipe or, more commonly, by rolling it in a cigarette with or without tobacco. It can also be taken by using a bong, where it’s smoke is inhaled purely. Hash/Resin is shaved or heated and crumbled onto tobacco rolled into a cigarette and smoked or it can be baked in food to make things like ‘hash cakes’. Hash Oil is put on the cigarette paper, which when rolled with tobacco is smoked.

How you buy it and how much it costs:

You usually buy it in the old measurements of ounces, with the usual amount being an eighth, which costs £8 for resin and marijuana and £20 for stronger stuff like skunk. A whole ounce usually costs £60-80, however prices depend on where you are and what type you’re buying it. (August 2001)

Where to get help:

If you or anybody you know are having problems with cannabis try the following places for help and support @ the Addictions Links Page.

Go To Part 2


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by ChrisM

Should cannabis be legalised?
Yeah..but only for medical purposes
No, definitely not

Smoking and Being Cool
Do you think smoking is cool?
Yeah definitely
It does make you look a bit cooler
No it makes you look like a muppet

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©1999-2003 Pupiline Limited, 2003-2008 Creative Commons. For info email Oli Originally powered by KeConnect Internet, now powered by XCalibre and the Big Boost, recovered thanks to Warrick

©1999-2003 Pupiline Limited, 2003-2008 Creative Commons. For info email Oli Originally powered by KeConnect Internet, now powered by XCalibre and the Big Boost, recovered thanks to Warrick