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Pills and Powders... Amphetamines... Part 1

Amphetamines are often seen as the poor man’s cocaine. Like 'coke' they’re a stimulant and have practically the same effects on the body as cocaine. The pretension that coke is used by richer people and costs more means that it gives a better high has shown to be untrue as experiments have shown that users can’t tell the difference.

What it comes down to is that, as with many now illegal drugs, amphetamines were legal, used to treat depression, obesity, nasal congestion and tiredness and were therefore very popular and in most family’s medicine cabinets. They were also a trigger of psychosis and there they caused high dependence levels. This along with their misuse amongst people our age in the 60’s led to a public and media outcry, like we’ve seen with ‘E,’ so they were made illegal. However they’re still prescribed by doctors and have had resurgence in use, particularly with clubbers.

Did you know ‘E’ is a hallucinogen amphetamine? No? Well here’s more info to get you clued up.

What it is and what it looks like:

Amphetamines are made-up drugs, meaning they’re not from any plant but are synthesised from chemicals. They’re a stimulant and act like the natural body chemical of adrenaline and affect the central nervous system. There are three main types Metehdrine, Benzedrine and the still available Dexedrine. These are manufactured brands and come in pill or tablet form, which can be pink, red, black, yellow or brown or mixtures of colour.

However when people buy it illegally, they usually buy Amphetamine Sulphate, more commonly called speed, which is a white/whitey yellow /pink crystal powder with a bitter taste and smell. Speed is only about 5% pure amphetamine and is actually mixed with other substances like caffeine and ephedrine, other powerful stimulants. Things like paracetamol, glucose, chalk, talcum powder and vitamin c have also been found in it.

How you take it:

With the powder form, amphetamine sulphate, you can snort it, inject it, put in a cigarette and smoke it with tobacco and also wrap it in something and swallow it, this is called a ‘Speed Bomb’. It can also be mixed with heroin or cocaine and injected, this is called a speedball. Obviously amphetamine tablets are swallowed. The rare Chrystal-Meth (Methylamphetamine) is smoked like crack, using a pipe or tin foil.

How you buy it and how much it costs:

Speed is usually bought in grams for about £10-12; it’s also bought in wraps, which is about half a gram for £5. Only 5% of this is actually amphetamine. (August 2001)

What it’s also known as:

Speed, Billy Whizz, Whizz, Uppers, Bennies, Dexies, Pep Pills, Dominoes, Black Bombers, Sulph, Dick, Blues, Minstrels, Sweets, Sulphate.

Where to get help:

If you or anybody you know are having problems with amphetamines try the following places for help and support @ the Addictions Links Page.

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Part 2
Part 3


Puffing the Ganj... Guide to Cannabis

Pills and Powders... ‘E’

Pills and Powders... Cocaine and Crack

Pills and Powders... Heroin

Tripping Out... All About LSD

Tripping Out... All About Magic Mushrooms

Prescription Drugs... Downers

Legal Drugs… Poppers, GBH and Steroids

Caffeine What It Is And What It Does

The Truth About Solvents

by ChrisM

Media Exaggeration
Does the media exaggerate over how many people our age are on drugs?
Yeah, they definitely do
Maybe, I don't know anybody on drugs where I live but they might do elsewhere
No, everybody I know does drugs

Have you ever taken drugs?
Yeah...I do all the time
Only once
No...I've never done drugs

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©1999-2003 Pupiline Limited, 2003-2008 Creative Commons. For info email Oli Originally powered by KeConnect Internet, now powered by XCalibre and the Big Boost, recovered thanks to Warrick

©1999-2003 Pupiline Limited, 2003-2008 Creative Commons. For info email Oli Originally powered by KeConnect Internet, now powered by XCalibre and the Big Boost, recovered thanks to Warrick