Pills and Powders... Amphetamines... Part3 Read on for more information about Amphetamines. Amphetamine Psychosis: Even if you don’t take much of it, Amphetamine Psychosis can happen, This is where you are overcome by excessive mood swings, you’re irritable, agitated, paranoid, confused and often uncontrollably violent, your concentration is increased but generally it is compulsively and obsessively focused on something simple. Psychosis often occurs when people go on ‘runs’, where they constantly take Speed for a few days without food or sleep. Psychosis, hallucinations and a creeping feeling under your skin, like there’s insects in you, replace the initial wellbeing and euphoria. This fades out when you stop taking speed but the problem is that the drug doesn’t give you extra energy, so you deplete your reserves, so it’s followed by extreme tiredness and sleeping for up to 48 hours. When you wake you can feel tired, hungry, depressed, suicidal and can get panic and anxiety attacks for days after. Overdoses: Contrary to other reports you can die of an amphetamine overdose and there’s no set amount that can cause it because you can become tolerant to it. This means that the more you take it, the more you get used it and the more you need to get the same effects. How much it takes to overdose depends on tolerance, although inexperienced users have survived large amounts. Amphetamine overdoses start with a racing pulse, high temperature and muscle spasms and can lead to convulsions, coma and even death by heart failure, high fever or collapse of the brain’s blood vessels. Nearly all overdoses are from when it’s injected. Problems of long-term use: The more you take of it, the more you need to get the same effects, which means taking larger amounts each time, which means psychosis is a risk each time. Although it’s not physically addictive, there are no physical withdrawal symptoms, constant use means that when you go without it you feel incredibly low, tired, hungry, depressed and psychological addiction can kick in, as you want the high for pleasure and to get out of the low, thinking speed is the only way to get it. Not only that but if you keep using it the body comes under a lot of strain, the cardiovascular system. High blood pressure, strokes, irregular heartbeat and rate and strokes are all possible as are damage to the retina of the eye and eating disorders can develop due to loss of appetite. Smoking and snorting can lead to damage and problems with the nose and lungs. It can remove your sexual desire, decrease fertility levels and if injected can lead to HIV and AIDS if infected needles are shared. Where to get help: If you or anybody you know are having problems with amphetamines try the following places for help and support @ the Addictions Links Page. Go to : Read:
by ChrisM