Pills and Powders... Amphetamines... Part2 Read on for more information about Amphetamines. How long it takes to work and how long the effects last: If you snort speed then the effects will take about 20 minutes to come on and will last for about 4-6 hours. If you inject it the effects are felt immediately but don’t last as long. How it affects you: As with any drug, effects depend on the user and their body, what they expect of the drug, where they are, the purity of the drug and how much is used and for how long. Just like cocaine, amphetamines are stimulants and make you not as receptive to pain and tiredness as well as believing you have greater mental and physical strength. They give you a sense of wellbeing, power, excitement, pleasure, exhilaration and high confidence, users are a lot more talkative, social and less inhibited. Feelings and emotions seem to be heightened; making people think what they are saying is thoughtful and insightful when it probably is complete guff. Amphetamines tend to enhance the ability to conc entrate and reduce the need for food and drink because of this they have become associated with nightshift workers, athletes, exam-cramming students and long distance lorry drivers. What it does to you: When you take a bit your heart rate and pulse rate quickens, your mouth has an unpleasant taste and goes dry, your pupils enlarge, you lose your appetite and sweat quite a bit. Some may also experience insomnia, restlessness, exhaustion, confusion, increased peeing, diarrhoea and trembling. If you take a bit more a quite a lot, all of these effects intensify plus you feel cold, have a pale complexion, get headaches, sweat, grind your teeth and clench your jaw. Where to get help: If you or anybody you know are having problems with amphetamines try the following places for help and support @ the Addictions Links Page. Go to : Read:
by ChrisM