Pills and Powders... 'E'... Part3 Read on for more information about Ecstasy. Addiction to Ecstasy: You can’t get physically addicted to ecstasy and there are no withdrawal symptoms if you stop taking it unlike heroin. However because it is a drug that gives pleasurable experiences some can get psychologically addicted because they feel they need it for a good time. Also users sometimes take other drugs to ease the comedown, which can lead into drug abuse and drastically affect your lifestyle. E and Death: Around 20-30 people die a year because of ecstasy and this is not due to overdose or constant use and abuse, you can die from taking one tablet. Deaths have been caused by disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), where the MDMA affects the chemical that makes blood clot, so blood clots where it shouldn’t, for instance on the lungs, causing death by suffocation. This can also cause haemorrhaging. Then there’s heatstroke… E and Heatstroke: MDMA in ecstasy and any other stimulant raises the body temperature, it’s usually 37.5 c° but if raised to 41 c° you can get really ill and die. Most people take ecstasy when clubbing, which is an extremely hot environment and when dancing, this makes the body even hotter. All this leads inevitably to getting heatstroke. Symptoms of this are feel really, really hot and unwell, not sweating, feeling faint and having problems urinating. If you feel like this do whatever you can to cool down, leave the club, got to a chillout room, fan yourself, pour water all over you and obviously drink something non-alcoholic. Be careful here though, drinking water, juice, soft drinks and isotonics is great but do it in regular sips rather than one large gulp and don’t drink too much. E and Water: W ater gets rid of heatstroke, not ecstasy and people on ‘E’ have died by drinking too much because it can cause swelling of the brain, coma and death by depleting salts and other minerals in the blood. If you’re dancing on E in a club then drinking about a pint of water an hour is about right. E and Others: If you’re taking ecstasy with others then, even if you're in a completely monged state, do try and look out for them. Watch to make sure they’re not showing any signs of heatstroke and if they collapse make sure they’re in a position where they won’t choke on their own vomit, don’t try to give them something to drink but you can splash water on them and ring for an ambulance as soon as possible. When the ambulance arrives, don’t leg it, they’ll need to know what the person has taken to give them the best chance of helping them. Avoid E if: You’re epileptic, diabetic, asthmatic, pregnant or have a history of mental illness. Where to get help: If you or anybody you know are having problems with ecstasy try the following places for help and support @ the Addictions Links Page. Go to : Read:
by ChrisM