Contraception And Its Uses So Why Do We Need To Use Contraceptives? Well to get straight to the point, it will stop us girls from getting pregnant for a start. Secondly, but just as importantly, depending on which type of contraception is used, the risk of catching an STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection) will be greatly reduced.
So What Sorts Of Contraception Are There? There are all sorts of different contraceptives available nowadays.
The most common and frequently used types are the Barrier Methods and the Contraceptive Pill. Barrier Methods: - Male Condoms, Female Condoms, Diaphragms, Spermicides.Male/Female Condoms, Diaphragms and Spermicides prevent sperm from gaining access to the female reproductive system. So in other words there would be a barrier in the way that would prevent the sperm getting girls pregnant. Male/Female Condoms and Diaphragms only, will prevent STI’s from being passed from one partner to another. This is because they are all sheaths made of latex rubber, which will act as a barrier to the micro-organisms or STI’s. Spermicides will NOT protect you from STI’s as they are only chemicals that are used to kill sperm. There is no sheath there to act as a barrier for STI’s. SPERMICIDES WILL NOT KILL THE MICRO-ORGANISMS, WHICH ARE THAT OF SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS. Contraceptive Pill:- There are two different types of Contraceptive pill: - Progesterone-Only Pills
- Combined Oral Pills (contain oestrogen as well as progesterone hormones)
They both do the same thing. They are taken daily and are used to suppress ovulation. When taken correctly they prevent sperm penetration making implantation less likely. What you have to remember is that the pill only protects against pregnancy. THE PILL DOES NOT PROTECT ANYONE FROM STI’s Aahhhh!! Too Much Information To Take In! Told you there was a lot to think about. If you’re starting to get lost in the thought of what contraceptive to use then here’s a quick answer: -
If us girls take control and think about taking the pill then that will prevent us from pregnancy, when used accurately. A Qualified Practitioner only prescribes the pill. They can be obtained from your family doctor, which is best, as then they will know your whole family medical history – which can be important. If you really don’t want to see your normal doctor then Family Planning Clinics and Brook Advisory Clinics will be able to help you.
- If you boys, want to protect you and your girlfriend from nasty infections then get some condoms. They will act as more protection from pregnancy and will help you stay away from infections. Condoms can be bought over the counter from Pharmacies or in Supermarkets. You can even get them free from Family
Planning Clinics. Don’t be embarrassed to get them! You’d be more embarrassed going to the Doctors with an infection than buying a packet of condoms. So buy them!!! And don’t forget to check that they have the official kitemark of the British Standards Institution on them.
- If your boyfriend/girlfriend is not happy to use a condom then simply tell them that you will not sleep with them. Is it really worth risking it? If you’re not too sure then you obviously haven’t read the STI page yet!!
CONDOMS + CONTRACEPTIVE PILL = SAFER SEX Read: Links: AIDS Helpline (National) Tel: 0800 567123 Terence Higgins Trust Website: Tel: 020 7242 1010 Remember!!! - Having sex under the age of 16 in the UK is illegal
- Vick