Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STI's)- The Facts It turns out that a lot of us think we can tell whether or not our sexual partner has an STI. Others think that Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is the only serious sexually transmitted threat. Well we’re gonna have to wise up guys and get it into our heads the facts of STI’s. All STI’s are potentially dangerous not just HIV/AIDS! Read on to find out more about STI’s and their consequences.... What Are STI’S? STI’s are nasty infections that people can get when having unprotected sex with a person who already has an STI. And when I say nasty infections, I mean NASTY! Sexual activity will obviously involve getting close to another person. Being close allows infections present in one person to be passed on to the other person. You can’t be much closer when you are sexually intimate, so it isn’t surprising if germs get spread that way! There are at least 25 different STI’s. What they all have in common is that they can be spread when having sex. Why Are STI’s Important? What’s important about Sexually Transmitted Infections is that a lot of them can cause serious and permanent damage to your health if left untreated. Some STI’s can make people (both male and female) unable to have children, so it is important that all infections are seen by a doctor and treated as soon as possible, as the Infections can then be treated effectively. Who Gets STI’S? People of all ages, colours, religious backgrounds, income and education levels are at risk of catching an STI if having unprotected sex. You don’t have to be ‘sleeping around’ to catch an STI; just about everyone who has sex can get an infection. Even if you and your boy/girlfriend have been ‘faithful’ to each other for long time, it is still possible that one of you might suddenly discover an infection. Obviously though, the more partners you have, the greater chance you will have to develop an infection. How Do You Know You May Be Infected? You won’t always know if you have an infection... That’s why it’s so risky having unprotected sex. You may easily catch an STI then quite happily pass it on to your partner without even knowing. And all because you didn’t use any contraception. But remember just because you haven’t got any symptoms of an infection that doesn’t mean it isn’t causing any damage to you! The safest thing to do is to have regular check-ups with a doctor or nurse, just to be on the safe side. Is it really worth catching a Sexually Transmitted Infection and not doing anything about it? On the other hand you or/and your partner could develop any of these disgustingly gruesome symptoms. I’ll warn you they don’t sound attractive and they certainly won’t look attractive if you do get them. They also mainly appear in your tender areas! So read on and cringe: Abnormal/smelly discharge from vagina or penis - Bleeding
- Boils
- Burning sensation
- Chancres
- Irritations
- Odours
- Pains
- Pus
- Sores
- Tenderness
- Urine changes
- Warts blisters
- Cervicitis
Growths - Itches
- Painful intercourse
- Polyps
- Rashes
- Swellings
- Ulcers
Vaginal yeast infections Sounds lovely doesn’t it!! Well you can see why it is so important to use a condom can’t you!! But as I said earlier, infections are not always so easy to spot. The best thing to do is to go to a clinic just for a check up. That way at least you know whether you have an infection or not! Where Do I Go For A Check Up? You need to see your doctor if you think you have an infection. They can give you all of the necessary help and advice. If you really can’t face your doctor then STI Clinics will help or you could get advice from Family Planning Clinics and Brook Advisory Clinics. Common Sexually Transmitted Iinfections: Click here for our guide of the names of the most common infections with brief descriptions, which you have to look out for. It won't tell you everything but you'll get a damn good picture of what you don't wanna get. However if you do want more check out our link sites, for a more detailed explanation of STI’s. However, make sure you’ve put down your snack bars guys ‘cos you ain’t gonna feel like eating. Taken a look, well believe me those are just some of the common infections. Scaring you? Well you shouldn’t have to worry too much if you decide to use a condom as protection! Ways You Can Avoid STI’S There are several things you could do which, together, help to make sex safer: Get to know your partner better before you have sex. This lets you talk with each other about how to protect yourselves.
You might be getting the message by now but get some condoms and learn how to use them properly. Only use condoms that carry the kitemark of the British Standards Institution and make sure they contain spermicide as well. Have routine check ups at STI clinics. Tell your partner if you think you may have an infection. That way your partner can be treated too, and won’t pass the infection back. Read: Links to Check Out about STI’S: AIDS Helpline (National) Tel: 0800 567123 Terence Higgins Trust Website: Tel: 020 7242 1010 Remember!!! - Having sex under the age of 16 in the UK is illegal
- Vick