What's Going On? Teenage pregnancy has hit the headlines of our newspapers once again, pushing the issue back into the lime light; and this time with even more shocking facts and figures. A pregnancy report issued by the Social Exclusion Group published these facts: ![](../furniture/teenpreg5.jpg) - The UK has the highest rates of teenage births in Western Europe.
- Teenage parents are more likely to live in poverty and unemployment.
These alarming facts, not only stress the need for both local and national action, but also for our teenage society to realise the effect of becoming parents at a young age. Learning how to practice safe sex, or not having sex, is something all of us teenagers should be prepared to do, before we are ready to cope with the responsibility of parenthood. The report issued two main goals: - To halve the rate of teenage pregnancies among under-18's by 2010
- To get more teenage parents into education, training or employment.
This is all very supportive for us, but what is going to happen in the next few years? Surely it is up to us - the teenagers - to support the scheme and try and act now. Surely we too want to cut the number of teenage pregnancies, which means learning about the consequences of sex at an early age and helping our friends and classmates to learn about safe sex, or saying 'no' to sex. Because of the rising figures of teen pregnancy the government has decided to act upon the issue, by aiming a publicity campaign at boys. This advert will be airing on national television, to have the biggest impact possible. The campaign is promoting the new law that boy's will now have to pay child maintenance - fees for his child - until the child is 16 years old. If the boy does not contribute, he can risk losing his driving licence for good. This is what the government think will help…but what do we think? It would be interesting to hear from male and female teenagers about whether they think the campaign will help cut figures, so e-mail editor@pupiline.net . Read: Links: Brook Advisory Centres Website: www.brook.org.uk Tel: 0800 0185 023 Family Planning Association Website: www.fpa.org.uk Tel: 0171 837 4044 Remember!!! - Having sex under the age of 16 in the UK is illegal
- Vick