You walk into a shop, the queue doesn’t look too big so you decide to
stay and wait. Somehow the line of people lengthens but you still seem to be right at the back?!
Sound familiar? How come older customers push young people out of the way in shops? We have
as much right to be served too…don’t we?!
Some adults seem to think that it’s ok to push us out of the way in queues, and we are ignored by shop assistants when waiting to be served. So what can we do about it?
To tell the truth…NOTHING! If we say something we are accused of being insolent teenagers, and if we don’t we are forced to carry on waiting another hour or two, or storm out of the shop in disgust.
The best thing to do is to be extremely polite (without being
patronizing) and mention the fact you were there first. If you are ignored still, or perhaps indulged to a dirty look from the person in front of you then don’t waste you time being nice. Either shove your way to your rightful place at the counter, or go back later when you think the shop is willing to value ALL of it’s customers.