All You Need To Know About Part-Time Jobs So you want to get the lowdown on the world of part-time jobs well read on. This extensive guide will tell the truth about starting your first job. Where can I get info on jobs? Well, you've come to the right place, even Britney Spears and had to start work somewhere. Probably like anyone else at their local Burger King or supermarket. Pupiline will guide you on the in's and out's of venturing into the world of work... How can I get a Job One of the things that comes out of conversations with the employers we have talked to is that some are impressed by seeing a prepared CV, even for a 12 hour a week part time job. They reckon that it shows you have put some thought into your application and it gives YOU an EDGE. In any case isn't it about time you started thinking about putting a CV together? YOU need a CV! Which is where we come in: Build Your Own CV! We're now working with one of the biggest online employment companies, to give you the opportunity to create and manage your CV and covering letters online! You get: - A step by step guide to writing a CV.
- Your own personalised account (with your own unique user name and password) which is SECURE and PRIVATE.
- The option to apply for full time jobs online when you leave school/college.
- A link to the Monster site which will ensure that if you are looking for a job then you can enter your jobsearch as an agent; which means you will get mailed with the latest opportunities. Hey the jobs will come to YOU!
- It's FREE and the final thing is really cool this is the PRO-fessional way to do things so get on line now:
Where do I get a Job? Well try this for a start, along with, we've got a list of 400 of the countries biggest employers who are all waiting and willing to give you that big break. How do I make sure I'm fairly treated? Well, us here at pupiline are going through it like you, and we've had our share of experiences both good and bad.
We'll tell you what to expect and what not to put up with. Know your rights and use them!!! What can you tell me? The real story of entering your first job, your legal rights, what employers are looking for, how, when and where to apply and what the job is all about by people who've done them and are still doing them. As well as the amusing and fun side of employment! So what have you got to offer me? Well how's this, Plus much more. So what are you waiting for, you could be a few clicks away from the info you need to get some extra cash by getting a part-time job.
by ChrisM