Know Your Rights For Employment - What The Law Says... You've heard all the stories of young people being taken advantage of whilst at work. So you're probably really worried. Well, to help you avoid becoming one of those stories, you should know your legal rights for employment. If you are in compulsory full-time education (ie 15 and under), then... Working time is limited to eight hours a day, or 40 hours a week for work performed under a training, or work experience scheme During term time and outside of school hours, you can only work up to two hours a day, or 12 hours a week. Outside of term time, you are allowed to work up to seven hours a day, (35 hours per week). If you are 15 then you can work 8 hours a day (40 hours per week). If you are under 13, then you can't work - its the law!!! For people aged 15 - 18 who aren't legally required to attend compulsory full-time education, then... You are allowed to work up to 8 hours a day (40 hours per week) (This includes work experience or training schemes). If you've got more than one job then the working times are cumulative. The environment in which you work: Under no circumstances should any of the above working hours be detrimental to regular school attendance or adversely affect the ability to benefit from education. Where you work more than four and a half hours in a day, you are entitled to a break of at least 30 minutes which should be a single break (if possible). The Employer: Your employer must tell you of any possible health & safety risks and procedures. If you are below the age of 15, then your parents must be told of any health and safety procedures. Basic Rights For Part Time Jobs Am I Entitled To Sick Pay? Legally No, Not Yet.
Am I Entitled To Holiday Leave? Sorry, but Legally Not Yet.
Am I Entitled To Holiday Pay? Again Not Yet.
However, most reputable employers already treat part time and full time employees the same e.g. Tesco, Sainsbury's, Burger King. After a minimum period of employment, usually clearly stated, you will receive the benefits available to Full timers Do Employers Have To Give A Minimum Notice Period? Yes they do, look at your written contract and make sure you understand the terms before you accept the job. What Can I Do If They Ask Me To Work During School Or College Hours? They cannot require you to work outside your normal contracted and agreed hours without your agreement. You should discuss with your employer first whether they would require you to work in school/college hours. However, if there is a problem see your head of year, Headteacher, or principal and talk to your parents. Normally they can sort this out for you. NOTE: Most reputable and established employers wouldn't ask you to do this
What If They Sack Me For Not Working During School Or College Time? This would be unfair dismissal, and you would have case to make a formal complaint to the relevant authorities.
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- Pete