Mobile Phone Short Cuts...Part 2-Text Not only can you have short cuts through pictures you can have text as well. Check some of these out to make your text messages that little bit easier to write; - See you later is cya.
- Instead of using are use the letter r.
- On the same note instead of you use u.
- Now we are in the year 2000 you can use Y2K, or for 2001 use Y2K+1
- With my Virgin Mobile I got a little piece of card with stickers on it, which containes some useful things to use. The best is probably V. instead of very, for the things like or anything else like that.
- If you want to say why use y.
- There are a lot of words that can be shortened like be to b and for to 4.
if you're meeting or going out try 2 night instead of tonight. - Also did to dd.
- Or if you want to say hate you can use h8.
Here's some more that were sent in by pupiline reader Becky
- text is txt
- late is L8
- later is L8a
- tomorrow is 2moro
Here are some sent from pupiline reader Hannah - sum=some
- bac=back
T2UL8R=talk to you later
- wanna=want to
- gonna=going to
- dis=this
- shorten all "ing" words by taking off the "g" at the end
And pupiline reader Donna sent us these ones. - write - wr8
- hello - hi
- never - neva
- goodnight - gudnte
- me and my friend - me+my m8
- message - msg
because - cos
- I've - iv
- Just - jus
- Great - gr8
- With - wiv
- And - & , +
- Was - woz
- Back - bk
- Love - luv
- Texting - txin
- To - 2
- One - 1
- Ring - rng
- Best - bst
- Have - av
- Your - ure
- Know - no
Sorry - sory Here's some from pupiline reader Steve - m8 = mate
- da = the
- skool = school
- wot = what
- tt4n = ta ta for now!
There are so many more that if I said them all there would not be enough space on the website to right them all up, but send you're own ones in to if there's anything missing. Check out Picture and Symbol shortcuts by clicking here.