R U Breaking the Law?...Sexual Assault There are a variety of serious offences under this heading. Indecent Assault. The 1956 "Sexual Offences Act" states that indecently threatening or touching someone is an offence, as is unwanted groping or fondling. Indecent assault carries up to ten years imprisonment. Rape Any male over the age of ten who has vaginal or anal intercourse with someone who they know is not willing, or takes no care as to whether he or she does, commits the crime of rape. It is also an offence to force someone to have sex against their will or to give them drugs in an attempt to make them give in. In the law, having a relationship with someone is not an invitation to have sex with them. Forcing another person to have sex is rape and no jury will accept drunkenness as an excuse. It is also classed as rape if the victim was in no condition to know what they were doing, through drugs or alcohol. What do you do if you get raped? Even though you might not want to tell anyone, nowadays most police stations have specially trained female officers to deal with victims of rape. If you are a woman, you can ask to be examined by a female doctor and you can take your parents or a friend. You must report the incident to the police as soon as possible. This will make it easier for them to gather evidence, and therefore easier for them to catch the rapist. After reporting the crime or after the suspect has been ar rested, you have a legal right to remain anonymous. The accused does not have the right to question the victim in court. Neither the name, address or photo of the victim may be reported in the media. Help and advice is available to the victim from Victim Support and your local Rape Crisis Centre. Survivors offer an advice service for men. As with harassment and assault, rape victims can apply for compensation from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority. What to do if you are accused of rape? If you are accused of rape, the best thing you can do is to contact a solicitor immediately. Rape is a very serious crime and the punishment can be very severe. Click on these links to find the law in these different areas: