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R U Breaking the Law?...Drugs

So you may be taking drugs, you probably know it is against the law but do you know to what extent? Well do you know what happens if you get caught with them on you? Or get caught while taking them or after taking them? How about if you're with friends or at a party where others are taking or selling them, but you're just there? It's a very cloudy area for something that seems straight forward, so here's what you should know to be clued up.

The law on drugs is governed by something called the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, this contains all the laws surrounding use and supply of controlled substances, which are illegal drugs. Under this different drugs are given categories depending on their 'Hardness' and the dangers they can cause. There are Class A drugs, which are Cocaine, Crack, LSD, Ecstasy and Mushrooms, Speed/Amphetamines. Cannabis and Barbiturates (Sleeping Tablets) make up the Class B's and Tranquillisers are Class C.

Here's what the Law says:

So say I have a small amount of Cannabis on me, what are the possible outcomes?

Well you're in possession of a controlled substance and are breaking the law.

What happens if it is only a tiny amount?

Well it is still an offence but the amount is often very important, as it determines what is 'possession of a drug' and what is 'intent to supply', which is something far more serious.

What about if someone put it in my pocket without me knowing?

You actually have a defence here as the law is often about intention, so if you had no knowledge or intention of having it on you, you are not guilty...but this can be hard to prove. However if a friend gave it to look after and you took it knowingly, you're guilty of possession

So could I say, I put some in my wallet a while ago and forget about, so I have no knowledge or intention, so I'm not guilty?

Don't be'll still be guilty as it was yours in the first place.

So if I have a bigger amount it becomes a different story, doesn't it?

Yeah... depending on the drug and how much you've got of it you could be in trouble for something other than possession. If you have a larger amount it is seen as not just being for your consumption, you're intending to supply to others. You can be guilty of intending to supply without ever offering the drugs to anyone. Under the law it is also a criminal offence to supply someone with any form of illegal drugs. These are more serious offences and carry a more serious punishment.

Yeah but that's only if you sell them for money, right?

No, actually no money has to change hands for you to be guilty of supplying drugs, though you are still guilty if you do take money. It's even an offence to offer to supply someone with drugs. Not only that simply passing a joint to someone at a party or a friend round your house is supplying drugs.

You're Joking?

No, I'm not and not only that, if you let people supply illegal drugs or smoke cannabis, in your house or flat, you are also breaking the law.

What do you mean, even if people are smoking weed at a house party at mine or if it is someone who I live, doing it, I'm in trouble with the law?

Yep... you could be as it is a criminal offence to allow anyone to supply drugs in your house or flat and is also illegal to allow people to smoke cannabis at you own place. So if there's party at your house and people are smoking or dealing and you know about it, if the law gets involved then you're in trouble as well.

What happens if it is my parent's house?

Well they're not in any trouble as they don't know about what's going on in their house, but you could be done for possession or supply depending what is found on you.

How about if I'm found growing or producing drugs?

Again you're breaking the law and even if you're letting someone produce the drugs somewhere that belongs to you it can be a criminal offence. The old excuse of... 'it's only herbs for cooking and I don’t know what is really is'.... will only work if the people listening to you are as thick as two short planks.

So if any of this happens to me what can I expect to happen?

If you are found in possession of illegal drugs you won't always be prosecuted, you might get let off or be given a caution, and if you are prosecuted it doesn't necessarily mean that you'll go to jail. However you will get a Criminal Record, which can count against you for the rest of your life. You will be prosecuted and probably go to prison, however, if you are found supplying drugs. So it would be good time to get some legal advice from a lawyer or try to get Legal Aid.

What about if a teacher or my boss finds them on me at School or at Work?

Well they will probably confiscate them off you and then they must hand them over to the police as soon as possible, not only that but your place at school or at work will be in severe jeopardy. If a policeman stops you and searches you for drugs he must do on reasonable grounds and he can seize anything that is possible evidence of an offence...see our section on the police for more details.

So that's what you need to know about drugs and the law no check out the following:

Alcohol and Smoking

Fighting and Self-Defence


Sexual Assault

R U Breaking the Law?...Essential Links

The laws stated in this article apply only to England and Wales

by ChrisM

Breaking the Law
Have you ever had a 'run-in' with the police
Yeah...'cos I broke the law
Yeah...but I didn't do anything and they were in the wrong
No...I'm good me

Leaving Home
Have you ever moved out from home? was driving me mad
I think about all the time
No...I'm really happy at home

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©1999-2003 Pupiline Limited, 2003-2008 Creative Commons. For info email Oli Originally powered by KeConnect Internet, now powered by XCalibre and the Big Boost, recovered thanks to Warrick

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