R U Breaking the Law?...Alcohol and Smoking Most people will probably know that you have to be 16 years old or over to smoke or buy fags and to buy alcohol you must be 18 or over. However it is a more complex area than that and you should be clued up on the in and outs of drinking alcohol and smoking cigs. So I can't buy fags if I'm under 16? Nope...tobacco, in any form shouldn't be sold to anyone under the age of 16. Not only that but it is actually against the law for shopkeepers to sell fags or any form of tobacco to people under 16. Under the Children and Young Persons (Protection from Tobacco) Act 1991they can be fined up to two and a half grand if they are found doing so. Well what happens to me if the Police find fags, lighters and stuff on me? Well police officers and Park Keepers, who wear uniform, have the power to confiscate them off you, if you're smoking in a public place and are under the age of 16. So think again if you're gonna have a swift 'bifta' in the local park. So will I go t o prison? No they will take the stuff off you and give you a bollocking, but you won't get carted away and put in the cells, as actual possession of tobacco is not illegal. However the person who sold it to you could be in big trouble (see above). So what about buying booze then? It's a criminal offence to buy or even try to buy alcohol if you are under the age of 18 in the UK. However if you're on private premises, like @ a house party then you can drink as long as you're over 5. It is also against the law to serve or sell to someone in a pub or off-licence alcoholic drinks if they are under the age of 18. Although it is not illegal if the person who sold it did all they could to check if someone was 18 or over. What would happen to the person who sold it to me? They could be fined up to a grand and even have their licence to sell alcohol taken away from them. So am I allowed into a pub at all then? If you're 14 or over then you are allowed into a pub, but only for a coke or something soft and the owner has the right to refuse you and not let you in. If the pub does food and sells soft drinks then it can apply for something patronisingly called a 'children's certificate', which would allow you in if you're under 14, but only if you are with someone over 18, but you'll have to leave before 9pm. Are there any exceptions to this? Yep if you're going to be having a meal in the restaurant of a pub then you can have a Beer, a Cider or a Perry, which is alcoholic peer juice, when you are 16. However for a quick pint without food you are gonna have to wait till you're 18, when you can buy and drink alcohol in a pub or bar or get it from an off-licence with no problems. So if I've got a mate whose 18, can I get them to buy it for me? Nope as they will be breaking the law and could get into a lot of trouble if they buy or even try to buy it for you. If someone does to get it for you than can have it confiscated off them by the police if they are in a public place and the police believe that it is going to be given to someone under 18. So if I'm 18 I can't buy as much as I want without limits then? Not quite so fast you pisshead, you're not going to be able to buy anymore alcohol if you're absolutely leathered. If the person behind the bar or counter thinks you've had too much already then the pub or off-licence has the right to refuse to serve you otherwise they can get done for allowing you to be too pissed. You can also get barred from a pub from a pub, even if you are over 18, if the people who run say so. However if you are barred because of your sex, colour or because you're disabled inform someone, as they can't do that. So what could happen to me if I'm under 18 and the police stop me and I'm carrying some booze or drinking it? Well like with fags they have the power to confiscate it off you if you're in a public place or you've somewhere you shouldn't be and they think that you've been drinking or you about to start drinking. Not only that but they can also take your name and address and if you refuse or make one up then you're breaking the law and could be in more trouble. Also some places have banned drinking booze in the street and if you're asked to stop and refuse you could be arrested and fined £500. Even though I'm 18 I find it really hard to get served or into places, what can I do? Well the best thing to do is to apply for 'Prove-It' card, which is an ID card that proves your age. On it is your date of birth, your signature and a photo to prove it's you. You can pick them up from the pub, off-licence or supermarket and they're free... which is nice. So that's what you need to know about alcohol, smoking and the law now check out the following:
by ChrisM