Drinking Sensibly and Cutting Down When we talk about what is the safe amount to drink, we're talking about levels that won't majorly damage the body or cause drinking problems. However as alcohol is a toxic drug, it is dangerous and if you drink, it will affect your body as drinking is not completely safe. Though sticking to the recommended guidelines will allow you to enjoy drinking much more and will be less threatening to your body and health, as the emphasis is on moderation not getting out of your head. Alcohol is measured in units, here's what one unit ='s: Half a pint of beer or cider - A bottle of Bacardi Breezer, Hooch, Smirnoff Ice, Metz etc.
- A glass of wine
- A shot of spirits, like Whisky, Vodka, Tequila, Bacardi, Archers etc.
Health experts have said before that blokes shouldn't drink more than 21 units a week and women no more than 14 units, a week. This is still sound advice but more people view the levels in daily terms nowadays. To stay safe, blokes you shouldn't drink more than three to four units a day and women no more than two to three units a day. You're putting your health at risk if you consistently drink these amounts or even more a day. REMEMBER: When you're pouring drinks at home the amounts are gonna be larger, admit you take that lil' bit extra, so bear this in mind when working out yer units. Cutting Down Here's some tips for cutting down if you think you're drinking too much or you're feeling the strain of the loopy juice: - If you're going on a night out, don't drink before you go and leave a bit later so you're first drink is quite late
- Try and have a big meal
as you will feel less like drinking and won't be able to drink so much - Designate certain days of the week as 'alcohol free'
Tell people you're cutting down and try avoid buying rounds When you're out vary your drinks between alcoholic and non-alcoholic, as this will slow down your drinking and reduce the amount When drinking at home use smaller glasses or get a proper measurer, to stop those cheeky over-pours Start drinking a drink with less alcohol in it, to what you regularly drink, or have a long drink if you usually have shorts i.e. beer not vodka Don't go for a quick drink or the famous 'just the one' or if you do have a soft drink I f you feel that you're social life is in the pub or at a club try varying where you go out, try the cinema or stay in an watch TV If you think a you need a drink to relax try some exercise or other relaxation techniques like yoga and Tai Chi. Playing more sport will make you wanna drink less alcohol If you or anybody you know are having problems with alcohol try the following places for help and support @ the Addictions Links Page. Read:
by ChrisM