On my travels, I have reported to you on Girl's Soccer in America. This time I decided to look a little bit closer to home. I visited Herlufsholm Naestved in Denmark, to see what life is like at Pigholdet H.G. Pigholdet are a strong team who have had a lot of success in recent years. The strength of the club is the huge, and with good youth teams, they can turn out teams at all ages. The female section of the club is one of the biggest and strongest teams in Denmark.
Facts about the U/14 girls Squad
Jesper Jensen-Manager
'I have been coach for the club the past 5 years, and this years has been very successful. Several gold medals in diff. tournaments, Silver in the Danish Championship in 7 a side, Gold in 11 a side as group winner. Next year I am the Chief coach of the Senior Ladies.'
How did you first become involved in soccer?
My niece needed a team leader in 93, and suddenly I took over the team as their coach. Since then I have educated myself through DBU coach lines.
Is there a lot of girl’s soccer in your area?
We are the only club in this area that supports girl soccer. Its VERY popular in Denmark to play Girl soccer.
What do you do in training? (How many times a week, what you do etc)
2 times a week, 2 hours a time. Everything is needed in the training, just as a senior team, but we do it all as fun as possible, you can say that we have a combination of "FUN" and lessons.
How big is your squad and do the players travel far to get to training, games etc?
We have 22 team members, and some go 7 kilometers for training. In games we sometimes travels about 100 kilometers.
Who has been your biggest inspiration? (Male or female)
Michael & Brian Laudrup
What other age groups do you have in Pigeholdet?
We have many other age groups
Do you have trials every year to find new players and for the current players to stay in the team?
Not needed, so far all players have come by themselves. We inspire all members, and make a lot of fun, this make them feel like one big family. We are a social club.
Do you have a lot of support?
Yeah, at our last game we had 125 supporters, that’s not bad for a girl match. At least not in Denmark.
Is there a lot of interest in girl’s soccer in your area?
Yes, Indeed. Its a very popular sport in our area.
Do the players get involved in fundraising and trying to get sponsorship etc?
Yes, We have sponsors like, Shell, McDonalds & Snickers. Our girls do a lot of fundraising and they really enjoy it.
Have any of your players gone onto to play for the district or national team?
No not so far. Older ages we have a lot who play for the district. I am sure in some years, that by the talents we have at presents time, more will come.