The Gamecube...Nintendos New Invention The Gamecube, also known as 'Project Dolphin', is the new console from one of the most secretive companies in the business, Nintendo. This 'Cube' is 15cm(W) X 11cm(H) X 16.1cm (D), it's tiny!
The games that are coming out on the Gamecube include Luigi's Castle, Zelda and Mario 128. Maybe Rare will pull something out of the hat at next year's E3. Banjo Kazooie or Perfect Dark for the Gamecube anybody?
Here's a list of some of its features:
The CD for the Gamecube is 8cm… you'll probably lose them in the excitement... maybe that's why the Gamecube was displayed behind bulletproof glass? -
It has 1.5 GB (Gigabytes) of space for Graphics rendering and sound (yahoo!) -
You can play games in DVD format, so your Zelda, or whatever game you have, can be played like you were watching it as a movie. Cool eh? -
My head is buzzing so much with great thoughts about the new consoles that I can't think of any more. Lame excuse eh? I don't care. The only real competitor for the Gamecube is the X-Box. Microsoft might get amazing praise for their great machine against the Gamecube, or laughed and jeered, as Bill Gates hastily covers it up at next years E3, GDC or SpaceWorld, the big electronic shows, which have all the new ideas first.