Choosing A Bank Account: Decisions, decisions... They all look the same; and they all want your business - So how do you choose where to go? We are of course.... talking about banks. Try some of the following questions to see if they help to make your mind up: Do they charge you even if you are in credit? If so how much? There are very few banks that would charge you if you were in credit, so its best to look for others if this is the case. What overdraft charges do they make? This depends how easy you can hold on to your money. Being overdrawn is not very nice as its hard to get out of the red as the interest mounts up, so the lower the charges the better...
Are they giving you the services you want? A couple of the many services banks offer now are listed below, and are used to draw in customers over other banks and building societies. The words are: SHOP AROUND. Hey remember: you are a new customer with big potential, they are after your business. What can they offer on: - Charges?
- Services like online banking or telephone banking (if you feel you'll need it)?
- Methods of paying money into the account?
- Freebies?...ahh, my favourite word!
It's also important to make sure you get responsible help and advice. Listen, the one thing you don’t want is for them to let you go way overdrawn and then come down hard on you. There are people in the banks and building societies that are paid to talk about the best options and what pitfalls may lie ahead, although the advice is often favoured towards that particular bank. Remember; you are their future and you want to be looked after, not looked down on. Read:
- Kieren