R U A Compulsive Gambler? You’ve read about the problems gambling can cause and what compulsive gambling is. If you feel you may have a problem Gambler’s Anonymous recommend you ask yourself these questions.... - Do you stay away from school or work to gamble?
- Do you gamble to escape from a boring and unhappy life?
- When gambling and you run out of money do you feel lost and in despair, and need to gamble again as soon as possible?
- Do you gamble until your last penny is gone, even the bus fare home or the cost of a cup of tea?
Have you lied, stolen or borrowed just to get money to gamble?
- Are you reluctant to spend "gambling money" on normal things?
- Do you take any interest in your family?
Do you find it difficult to concentrate on your job or education?
- Do arguments, frustrations, disappointments make you want to gamble?
- Have you ever thought of suicide as a way of solving your problems?
If any of these seem that might apply to you and you think you may be a compulsive gambler then call the G.A. helpline on 020 7384 3040 or visit the website @ www.gamblersanonymous.org.uk, where you can e-mail a GA member direct and confidentially and get the telephone umber for the G.A in your area. If you or anybody you know are having problems with gambling try the following places for help and support @ the Addictions Links Page. Read:
by ChrisM