Anyone Fancy A Fag? - pupiline's Guide to Smoking How many people do you know who smoke? It’s probably quite a lot because despite all the health warnings on the packs and adverts, the amount of people our age, who smoke, is increasing. Have you ever tried a fag? Pretty nasty taste wasn’t it? If you smoke you must admit it’s not the taste you do it for, but if the taste put you off going back to them then you’re the lucky one, as they’re powerfully deceptive little buggers, they taste like crap but if you keep smoking them, you may never wanna stop. This is because cigarettes contain nicotine, it’s found in the tobacco, and whichever way you want took at it, this is a drug and a very addictive drug and that. The next time you’re in history and the teacher is harping on about Christopher Columbus and the discovery of America, if you want to shut them up, about this amazing discovery, remind them that it was Columbus who first discovered tobacco and brought it into Europe. When it was discovered people thought it was kind of medicine, one that got rid of phlegm, well they couldn’t have been more wrong could the? Nicotine is a powerfully addictive substance that has found it’s way into everyday life and been accepted through people smoking tobacco in cigarettes, cigars and pipes. If it was discovered tomorrow there is no way it would be legal, let alone sold over the counter in nearly every newsagent, supermarket, bar or cornershop. It’s a drug that is powerfully addictive, incredibly hard to give up and the damage it does to your body is unbelievable and this isn’t just over a long period of time either, just one cig will affect how long you live for. However make your own mind up as we take you through pupiline’s guide to smoking. If you or anybody you know are having problems with smoking try the following places for help and support @ the Addictions Links Page. Read:
by ChrisM