ipupiline - what is it? Buy ipupiline - £100 for complete solution to PSHE and Citizenship For many community workers, teachers and pupils citizenship (and PSHE) are amongst the least enjoyable and sometimes most embarrassing aspects of the curriculum.Small wonder that many a harassed pshe co-ordinator can come to view the job as something akin to a poison chalice. Yet it needn’t be, and indeed it shouldn’t be. pupiline is dedicated to taking the least enjoyable part of helping young people and making it both informative and fun. Above all the aim is to turn the past on its head and to get young people to become much more involved in this part of their education. This will become increasingly important for the compulsory introduction of citizenship into the curriculum next year, if it is to be attractive to pupils. The beauty of the site and its feature material is that it is so flexible. It can be used to drive pshe lessons with everyone logged on. It can be used in one to one counselling and individual student research, peer counselling and small group work. It can be used to complement existing syllabus material and Oli believes it will open the doors to more student involvement because it can be used in a way that pupils can work on individually chosen areas of research monitored by their class teacher who becomes a facilitator rather than a lecturer. This so impressed Microsoft that they have included pupiline.net in their list of preferred suppliers of software for the new Encarta Class Server managed learning environment software recently launched onto the market. What makes the Pupiline approach different is that it is written 100% by young people for young people in a language that they can instantly recognise and relate to; unselfconscious, sometimes funny, always thought provoking and yet, in a highly responsible way. This is the authentic voice of young people in education and demands to be listened to. With over 1,000 pages of features and fun material (the cool stuff) there is plenty to attract students and pupils. The bright and sparky brand image and freshness the young team of writers bring to their work will appeal directly to their audience in a way that adults rarely can.
by ChrisM