What's goin' on? Not just a rather catchy 'goodwill' song by bajillions and squllions (my girlfriend's phrase) of popstars, but also the latest info on pupiline. The developments here at pupiline central have been rather exciting recently, and with a couple of rather top secret *hush-hush, wink-wink* events have happened, the homepage updates should be becoming increasingly more irresistible to read. But to keep up the suspense, more will be coming on those in the next few weeks, once we have got them past security :) Amazingly, lots of new content will also be going onto the site very soon, we have a *huge* bank of amazing articles from our dedicated correspondents, which will leave you wondering how something on a computer screen could be so interesting, we hope... But the main, and rather unseasonal announcment (as i look of the window as i type, it is grey and rainy) is that the time of shorts, bare feet in the pupiline office and mid-afternoon ice-creams will be soon around the corner. This means one thing for all pupiline people (especially me!): Writing. We are planning a major (well, as major as we can manage) overhaul of the pupiline content this summer, so we want to hear what bits you like, what bits you don't, what you want more of, what you want less of, and everything :) Fill in the form at the side of this article to get involved, or go here to become a writer for us! We'll try to update as many of the articles in Features, re-cool Cool Stuff and just generally clean out the nuts and bolts of pupiline, so if there is *anything* you want us to update, change, add or remove then please get in touch, the more info you give, the better, also the more of you there are on our team, the more we can do, so don't forget to register your interest! Don't forget to read through the features section at ../../features/ there are tonnes of articles there on things from Sex to Shopping, Bullying to Bulemia; also there are some more lighthearted articles along the way at ../../coolstuff; and you can always post in the faithful forums, http://forums.pupiline.net, but don't forget to http://register.pupiline.net first :P So keep you eyes peeled for the top-secret event that i'll be writing about soon, thanks for reading people,