Linden Harris Business Development Manager Collins Educational Here is what Linden Harris Business Development Manager at Collins Educational had to say about pupiline. "I was introduced to Pupiline in 2000 as a concept for delivering PSHE and Citizenship online. The impact and clarity the web design was immediate and impressive. As publishers of printed text and multimedia we fully understand the need for clarity, design and format, Pupiline has all of these, and what's more makes excellent use of the online media with the ipupiline interactives." "We needed an online approach into this market and pupiline had given us a unique position." "The strength of the web design, navigation and visual impact comes from the obvious youthful enthusiasm directed by Oli and his young team. It has all the ingredients of what teenagers are looking for in its style and image. We are very proud to be working with pupiline developing a very exciting project, which clearly has a major role to play in online delivery."