What they Say... Endorsments and comments, from so many people... Prime Minister - Tony Blair ...I welcome initiatives such as yours to help children who are bullied and am pleased that you are exploiting new technology in the process...
...I am pleased to endorse the pupiline.net website. I am also pleased that something positive has come out of your bad experiences...
The National Association Of Headteachers The National Association of Headteachers is very happy to endorse pupiline.net.It's an excellent resource for young people, especially for the victims of bullying, and their parents. -David Hart, General Secretary The Secondary Heads Association The Secondary Heads Associationis delighted to endorse this site. pupiline.net is an extremely interesting and innovative idea, another useful tool in the war against bullying Bob Carstairs: Assistant General Secretary Esther Rantzen, Founder, ChildLine ..."Oli is a great ambassador for pupiline, and an effective role model for young people..." Taken from 'Readers Digest - Local Heroes' Feature, April 2002 Dr. Mark Hamilton and Emma B from BBC Radio 1's Sunday Surgery "We heard about Pupiline and immediately adopted it as a new resource for our listener’s dealing with the painful but common problem of bullying. Giving people a forum to share their experiences and thoughts on this topic will certainly advance the cause for tackling this sort of anti-social behaviour and hopefully empower individuals who previously felt isolated and hopeless. The expansion of the site to cover a variety of other topics such as music, relationships and exams broadens the scope of interest for users. It is a working example of the strength found in unity. Good luck and keep us informed of any new developments"
Stephen Carrick-Davies Development Manager with Childnet  "The Pupiline website won first place in the C2001 &W Childnet Awards Individual Category. The team of international judges commented saying "This is a technically competent webzine which many commercial organisations would be proud of. It is a wonderful example of how one young person canmuse the net to overcome personal adversity and empower others." In terms of branding, design and user interface, we at Childnet have been enormously impressed with the way it appeals to both children and adults and the evidence of how children are using the website shows this clearly. "
Tim Levell, Editor @ CBBC News Online "The first moment I saw Pupiline I realised that they'd hit the nail on the head in terms of web design for children.I'd just finished weeks of focus-group testing with children, and knew that what they want are fast, clear, bright, colourful, easy to use and attractive sites. This is exactly what Oli Watts has achieved with the Pupiline site. The navigation and sections navigation are clearly flagged up, there's lots of fast, flat colour and you always know where you are. The brand shines through and enhances the overall product. A winner!"
Dr David Bull Presenter - BBC WatchDog - Apr-14-00 This web site is a fantastic idea because it's a place where you realise that you are not alone, you can talk online to others in the same position, pool ideas and come up with a plan together. It's very important to feel that you have support and that's why I think this web site is such a brilliant idea... E-mail from Kevin Bentley - Conservative Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Colchester Mar-12-00 Oli
My name is Kevin Bentley theConservative Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Colchester. May I congratulate you on asuperb website aimed against bullying. Anything that helps prevent bullying of any nature has to be welcomed.The work you have done is quite outstanding and I will recommend that everyone I know visits your site. Once again congratulationsand I look forward to meeting you sometime in the future.
Extract From A Letter From Bob Russell - MP For Colchester On Mar-10-00 ...i congratulate the creator of pupiline.net- I believe it will greatly help in tackling the curse of bullying - pupiline.net tells you how the bullies can be sent packing... E-mail From Phil Salcedo On Mar-03-00 Hello Oli,
I'm Phil Salcedo - news editor and test driver fromBBC Top Gear online. Just thought I'd write a note tocongratulate you on one of the most worthwhile sites on the net - quite an achievement in the sea of junk which makes up most of the web. I hope you can keep up the great work you've started, because I'm sure it's helping many peoplewho have their lives made miserable by thoughtless stupidity everywhere.
Well done, and the best of luck to you for a bright future. Phil Comment From Dermot O'Leary On Feb-20-00 I know that this site, pupiline.net, will give everyone an opportunity to express their feelings in an open and honest manner, making their own problems easier to deal with. E-mail Recieved From Matt Hudson - Journalist On football365 - Feb 19-00 Hi ya Oli!,
Just thoughtI'd write to congratulate you on your website - it's really good! I write to you on the back of two reasons. First of all, I work in the internet business - I'm a journalist for the l website Football365 - and so I have to say congrats on the layout of your site. I have lost count of the amount of times we have editorial meetings on the style of the site and how it looks etc - and you have got it down to a tee already!
Secondly, I was bullied when I was at school, so I know that something like this will be so appreciated.
Comment from Reader and IT Teacher Hi Oli I am a teacher in Staffordshire and I work with with students to tackle bullying issues and so on..... I was looking for material for an assembly - and saw your web site. I also teach IT and thought it was great. But most importantly - I wanted to say how courageous you have been and how important your web site is. Thank you for your courage - I hope you will not mind too much if I read out your story (and details of your great success) tommorow. I hope that your story will provide others with inspiration.
Comment from a Sexual Health & HIV Health Promotion Specialist - 29th January 2001 Hi guys, I am a Sexual Health & HIV Health Promotion Specialist and think thatthis is a fantastic website.I recommended it to all the young people I meet during the course of my work as well as colleagues particulalry those who work with young people ie youth workers, school tutors etc - fab stuff. Susan Holdman, Reader Hi Ollie
I just thought I'd drop you a line and say I thought you were really great on the news the other night. I'm British and now live in Florida and was really impressed with what you said. Good for you on beating the bullies.
Good luck in everything you do - I'm sure you will go very far in this world.
Susan Holdman
Julie Durrance, Reader Dear Oli,
My friend Dan Moran recommended your website to me. I have 3 children and live in Florida.
I have sent your website on to several middle school and high school teachers, our local crime prevention officer, friends at the Department of Juvenile Justice, and the Florida Highway Patrol man that lives across the street from me.
Friend, keep up the good work!
Julie Durrance Florida
Barbara Luster, Reader Hi Oli!
Just saw you on MSNBC and want to congratulate you!We need more young men like you to "show the way" for others who are not as strong..to let them know there is always someone out there who cares!
Barbra Luster, Denver, CO