Protest...Complaining So if you are served by Basil Fawlty or just bought a Gameboy Advance and it doesn't work, here's the Pupiline guide on what to do to make a complaint about it. Some companies and many public services, have special procedures for dealing with complaints. If it's a public service such as a hospital, you can ask to see a copy of their charter, which shows the level of service you are entitled to receive. Other bodies such as charities have their own procedures, see . If your complaint is not dealt with properly, think about organising a protest,or contact your councillor or MP, particularly if your complaint is about a public service. For goods and services it's best to talk to the consumers organisations like citizens advice, who have local offices, or the consumers association. A big tough regulator regulates some industries like electricity, so if you don’t like your latest bill you can complain to them. When I've found that who to complain to, it is usually more effective if: - Act a quickly as possible
- Think carefully about what you want to achieve
- Make sure you write or talk directly to a real person who actually has the authority to deal with your complaint
- Always find out the name of the person you are dealing with
- Keep a record of phone calls or letters
- Stick to the facts
- Clearly state what you want to be done
- If nothing happens keep going!
- Keep the receipt
If you are still unhappy you may be able to take your case to an ombudsman or a lawyer. Just remember it's your right to complain. You don't have to put up with any crap. Links Citizens advice Bureau Consumers Association OFGEM. Government appointed Energy Regulator Y Vote Links The above applies to the political process in the United Kingdom and follows the laws of the UK.
- The Pupiline Team