Politics in Scotland So what’s different if you live up here in Scotland? Well quite a bit really, so read on and if ever we get independence, well who knows what might happen. It’s up to you. Find out about: Here are all the links direct to the major Scottish Political Parties if you want to read what they are all about: Scottish Conservatives & Unionist Party 83 Princes Street, Edinburgh EH2 2ER Tel: 0131 247 6890 e-mail: central.office@scottishtories.org.uk website: www.scottish.tories.org.uk
Scottish Green Party 14 Albany Street, Edinburgh EH1 3QB T el: 0131 478 7896 Fax: 0131 478 7896 e-mail: info@scottishgreens.org.uk website: www.scottishgreens.org.uk
Scottish Labour Party Delta House, 50 West Nile Street, Glasgow G1 2NA T el: 0141 572 6900 Fax: 0141 572 2566 Email: general@scottish-labour.org.uk website: www.labour.org.uk
Scottish National Party 6 North Charlotte Street, Edinburgh EH2 4JH T el: 0131 226 3661 e-mail: snphq@snp.org website: www.snp.org
Scottish Socialist Party 73 Robertson Street, Glasgow G2 8QD Tel: 0141 221 7714. www.scottishsocialistparty.org
Scottish Liberal Democrats 4 Clifton Terrace, Edinburgh EH12 5DR Tel: 0131 337 2314 Fax: 0131 337 3566 e-mail: scotlibdem@cix.co.uk web site www.scotlibdems.org.uk
- The Pupiline Team