Voting in Scotland It's a slightly diffrent process in Scotland than England, so check this out. How do you vote? First of all, your name must be on the Electoral Register. This is a list of the names and addresses of all the people in the area aged 18 or over. If you are aged 18 or over you must put your name on this list or you are breaking the law. You can check if you are on the Register at your local library. Find out how to get on the Electoral Register @ So what happens next? At Elections When there is an election you will be sent a voter’s card. It will tell you where the polling place is. This is where you go to vote. O n Election Day - At the polling place, a person called a Polling Clerk will mark your name off on a list and give you a ballot paper.
- This lists the names of the people who want you to vote for them. You can only vote for one person.
- Your vote is secret.
- There are booths where you can mark your paper without anyone else seeing.
- Mark an X against the person you want to vote for.
- If you need help to read the ballot paper ask the Polling Clerk.
- Fold your paper over and put it in the ballot box.
- It’s as easy as that.
I did it and I survived! Read: Links The above applies to the political process in the United Kingdom and follows the laws of the UK.
- The Pupiline Team