Gone In 60 Seconds @ UGC, Ipswich STARRING: Nic Cage, Angelina Jolie, Robert Duvall, and Giovanni Ribisi. VERDICT: Fine, for the sixty seconds it stays in your head after leaving the cinema. JERRY BRUCKHEIMER, if you haven't heard of him you would of definitely seen one of his movies. What's he in? I hear you cry. Well he's not an actor, so what's he directed? Well he ain't directed anything either, so why is he such a big name and why has everyone seen a Bruckheimer movie? Old Jerry is in fact a megabucks producer and has consistently put together the biggest, loudest, cheesiest, most expensive summer blockbusters for the last fifteen years. So what's he done? I'll list just a few of the 'small' movies Top Gun, Con Air, Armageddon, Days of Thunder, The Rock (no, not about WWF), Beverly Hill Cop 1 & 2, Bad Boys, Crimson Tide and Enemy of the State. Seen a Bruckheimer film? Thought you might have.
These films conform to every known cliché and stereotype in the Hollywood blockbuster movie, and the main point is that if you can't sum in up a sentence, or at most two, then it's not a movie worth seeing. So here's my attempt. Retired car thief, Memphis Raines (Cage), has to steal 60 very fast cars in an evening to save his brothers life from an evil Mancunian crimelord, due to Memphis' brother messing up a car theft job for this mental bad guy. It's easy isn't it, and there really isn't anymore to it, no deep characters or major plot twists, just a series of fast paced cops'n'robber car chases across a sprawling LA. Admittedly there's a bit about why Memphis left his family and a relationship with old flame Sway (Jolie), but this stuff is hardly mould-breaking. However that's the whole point it certainly ain't anything new but while you're watching it is a lot of fun. So, yes I did enjoy it, the chases were cool, Cage was brilliantly over the top as a car thief turned good turned good having to go bad and becoming good again, hope you got all that, and there were some cheddery jokes that raised a smile. However it may have been good while in the cinema, but leaving it was hard to remember exactly what happened that can't be summed up in a sentence, like above ...well, precisely, NOTHING. See it, enjoy it, bask in the fact in no way will it muddle or confuse you, if it does seek professional help, but don't expect to enjoy a post film cup of cocoa discussing it endlessly. But who wants that anyway? If you liked this, you'll love: Top Gun Days of Thunder Bullitt
by ChrisM