Being Positive links If you are having real problems about your self-esteem, or you're feeling really low, take a look at some of the professional agencies below for more help. Also, don't forget the pupiline forums @ (of course, you'll need to register) (if you know of any other places or organisations that could be of use to young people that are not listed here please email us) Professional Bodies you should check out... |
| ChildLine is an excellent place for children and young people to go for professional advice if they are in trouble or danger If you want to talk to someone, call ChildLine free and confidentially on 0800 1111.
| Shelter is a national charity dedicated to helping those living on the streets or in poor housing conditions. Their free helpline Shelterline, offers a 24, confidential service to help those in need of information to do with homelessness and housing, call 0808 800 4444 (freephone) | | The Samaritans is charity based in the UK and Republic of Ireland that provides confidential emotional support to any person who is suicidal or despairing; and that increases public awareness of issues around suicide and depression. Call 08457 90 90 90 in the United Kingdom or 1850 60 90 90in the Republic of Ireland or email
| | The Self Esteem Advisory Service helps you to build self esteem in yourself so that you are happier, healthier and more confident. | Also in Being Positive... Check out the Being Positive links page for useful sites and agencies...
Self Esteem and how you do it!!
- Put simply, your self-esteem is how well you think about yourself compared to other people. (...more)
Being Positive...
Top Tips to being Assertive, not Aggressive!
Thinking Positive
- When something goes wrong in our lives, its hard to remember that the world isnt actually ending. (...more)