Addictions The dictionary defines addiction as... "A Compulsive physiological and psychological need for a habit-forming substance" or "The condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or involved in something.". Many people think that addiction must involve a hard illegal drug like heroin or crack but that's far from the case. As the dictionary says, it's anything that can take up our time, all the time. Yeah this can include hard drugs but there's soooo much more than that. People can get addicted to TV, Computer Games and Shopping... it may not sound true but it's a fact. However for the time being we're going to concentrate on four major things that people can get addicted to: Plus look out for ore coming to the pupiline addictions section very soon. If you or anybody you know are having problems with alcohol try the following places for help and support @ the Addictions Links Page.
Addictions Links
- If you or anybody you know are having problems with any of the things covered in the pupiline addictions section try the following... (...more)
The Truth About Solvents
- So you're probably thinking, why are solvents such an issue within teenage life? Solvents have been around for a long time and in the 1970's... (...more)
Who Fancies A Pint? The pupiline Guide to Alcohol
- When you think about drugs one that never springs immediately to mind is alcohol, of course everybody knows its a drug but that word doesn't... (...more)
What Does A Few Drinks Do To You?
- So for most of us one drink is very enjoyable, its refreshing and when it brings that first slight tingle in the face and that feeling of being... (...more)